Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Update from the White's

Hey girls! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I got Brooks n Dunn tickets from my hubby! :)

Steph-sounds like a busy time! Can't wait to see the new house!

Abby-Happy 24th Birthday on June 1st!

Hope you all had a great extended weekend! We went to Charlottesville, VA for a relaxing time of hiking, waterfalls, shopping, touring, and wonderful southern food! It was amazing!

Sean is busy traveling the next two weeks for work, so its just the girls at home :) Speaking of home...we will be back in IN this weekend for Sean's brothers graduation. It will be a very short trip so I won't get to see much of anybody!

Oh, and thanks for your prayers for Kaicey and Cameron. They arrived safely back from their mission trip in Africa!!

Here's one of the latest pictures of the White family:

Nala just graduated from Intermediate Class at Petsmart :)
Have a great summer girls! ENJOY THAT SUNSHINE!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

randomness from steph

Abby... she's so cute!!

I'm home now! We actually got back from Alabama (NAIA Nationals) on Thursday morning a little after 5 am. I got to see Landon Thursday night, but then he left Friday afternoon to help his brother move and go to the Indy500. It just got over and was a very soggy race! I hope he had fun though!

Softball finished the regular season ranked 21st, started Nationals ranked 18th, and finished the tournament with an 11th place finish! Yeah!

They are supposed to start digging for our house this week!! The forecast is calling for rain all week, so we'll see what happens.

Kaleena... I hope you had an amazing birthday!! Abby... if I forget to contact you on Friday... Happy early Birthday!! :)

Love you gals!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

some things you just have to share...

it's my niece Gianna's 1st birthday today...look, she has curls!

Friday, May 4, 2007


I'm so not good at these things, but I'm really going to enjoy keeping up with you gals! I already told you about our house. That is what's keeping us busy these days! Tomorrow (Saturday) we meet for the final time at the design studio. I'm still at Bethel, working in the Admission Office and helping out with the softball team. The team did AMAZING this year and we're not done yet! We had a 25 game win streak, went undefeated in the conference, won the conference tournament, and won NCCAA Nationals! This next week is NAIA regionals which we have to win to advance to nationals. Bethel has never been to NAIA Nationals, so we're hoping to make history!! Sorry... I know all this softball talk is probably boring you! :)

Love you all! Thanks for being willing to keep all your long lost friends updated on your life!!

Life in the big city

Well girls - All is well out in DC. Kinda crazy all us country girls are using a blog to keep in touch now that we are spread all over the far...until Abby moves over seas...then it we will be spread all over the world! Crazy!

Anyways, besides crazy work, Sean and I are enjoying the spring weather. Last weekend we took Nala to Old Towne (Alexandria) and sat and watched the sails boats go by for hours. This weekend we are going to the National Cathedral for the Flower Mart Festival. They bring in flowers from all over the world and sell them...they also have all kinds of craft booths and fun food! We're excited! Other than that...just keeping busy! We welcome any visitors! Come on out! Take care girls! Miss ya! Oh and look at our baby Nala :) She's getting soo big :)

here we go

well girls, i'll get things started. i'm so excited for a chance to be better connected with you!

i'm am still in ft. myers and i will probably be here for the next year or so before moving overseas. i'm doing video and web for new mission systems, which is crazy, i never saw myself doing tech-y kinds of things.

i, the sunburn queen, am finding myself really enjoying living where it's sunny and warm all the time. i still don 't like sand and that's all my yard is, but it's give and take, right?? i'm sure my feelings will be different in the summer when it is even hotter (it's already 95 out!) and pouring rain everyday. we shall see.

finally, here's a little pic of me. ben and jerry's does a free cone day 1 time a year. i had three...

some things never change... :-)